Born: 3-20-01
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Heart: passed 8-1-02
Holter: 1 pvc
Both parents health tested
Sassy is retired from breeding after having a c-section.
She is now spayed and and living with a wonderful family, with her very own teenage kids to lavish adoration on her; something she has always felt was her due. We miss her a lot, but know she is happy. Updare: we lost Sassy to Cancer- she is greatly missed by her adoptive family. The family now has her daughter Bird.
CH Bayview Strides Ahead, SOMSire
Ch Bridgewood's BK Kahuna, SOMSire
Ch Telstar's Goodtime CharlieSire
CH Berena's Gemini SplashdownDam
Telstar's High FidelityDam
Ginger's Gold'n GlowSire
CH-CH Mephisto's SparticusDam
Coco's Fancee DancenDam
CH Glenroe's Tequila Sunrise, DOMSire
CH Glenroe Rum RunnerSire
CH Telstar's Front RunnerDam
Glenroe Elated Echo O'DolorDam
Lyn-El's Daisy MaeSire
CH-CH Marquam Hill's Trigger of TuroDam
CH Encore's Heleva HeartbreakerDam
Bix--L's Mia Bella RosaSire
CH Rosend's Corporate Raider, SOMSire
Ch. Ch. Bridgewood's B K Kahuna, SOM/LOMSire
Ch. Ch. Telstar's Goodtime Charlie (SOM)Dam
Ginger's Golden GlowDam
Ch. Ch. Rosend's StardustSire
Ch. Ch. Telstar's Starmaker (SOM)Dam
High Crest's Desert RoseDam
Telstar's Shadow DancerSire
Ch. Ch. Telstar's Court JousterSire
Ch. Ch. Telstar's Front Runner (SOM)Dam
Telstar's Gypsy PrincessDam
Telstar's Lady BrittanySire
Ch. Ch. Berena's Gemeni Splashdown, SOM (Dam
Telstar's High Fidelity
Sassy wins a 3 point major under breeder judge
Monica Pinsker, 8-03 Win Photo
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