North Star
'99 Competitive Trail Ride
Ride manager, trail master and wearer of many hats, Laurie. On right, our judges, Linda MacKinnon from CA, and Bev Barmettler now a local Alaskan.
At a wide but rotten looking bridge crossing. Open riders were asked to do a half turn in the middle before proceeding.
Long hill climb with P&R at the top. A few horses had buddying problems here.
Tough obstacle of crossing a log into a stream. Many horses balked at first, however, all but one did it. One of our Mother-daughter teams.
One of the open riders waiting her turn at the creek. Final WBL check at end of ride on a Junior Novice horse.
CJ checking out her $10 gift certificate from Stateline Tack for her second place Open finish.
Roger beaming over his Open Sweepstakes finish on his homebred ara-appy.